About Jody

Welcome!Thank you so much for being here.

I truly believe that nothing is by accident and you are meant to be here in this time and in this space. 

If I told you writing my story felt easy and natural, I wouldn’t be telling you the truth. As someone who has always felt that I had a “normal” childhood and a great family, I could not seem to wrap my head around the fact that I had experienced trauma. I thought trauma was a word reserved for people who had really BIG things happen to them – life-changing things – and that never really landed on me, until now.

Now I know that trauma is all the little things that led me to carry grief, loss, shame, self-doubt and self-harm for years. 

It is the rejection and bullying of my elementary and middle school days.  It is the perfectionism and pressure from being a high- level athlete. It is the high school sexual assault and the abandonment from my church family as I discovered my sexual orientation.  It is the conversion therapy that I subjected myself to and the feelings of unworthiness, shame and “being bad” that came along with it. 

Trauma is the death of my mother at the exact time our relationship was just starting to heal and it is the loss and grief I felt from losing a significant relationship that left me feeling obliterated, lost, confused and angry.

My journey into self-awareness, vulnerability, and acceptance began several years ago. I found healing in traditional places such as therapy, workshops, and retreats and in several untraditional places. I found strength, empowerment, perseverance, faith, trust, confidence, and my inner badass on a five-week solo cross country road trip, in which I camped every night and nothing was planned. I found my truth, peace, forgiveness, calm, stillness, and self-love within sacred alternative plant medicines.

And now, under the leadership of Michelle Chalfant and The Adult Chair® model, I have found my passion: living in the healthiest version of myself and helping those around me to do the same. 

I do not pretend to have all the answers or know all the tools. What I can tell you is that I’ve been through some shit, and I’ve clawed my way out on the other side – even when it wasn’t pretty. A few years ago, when I started this journey, I kept joking with my friends that I was having my “midlife breakdown,” but inside I knew I wasn’t joking. I’ve done the work and I continue to do the work. I have turned what I perceived to be my midlife breakdown into my Midlife Uprising! Through my experiences, I have learned how to trust, love, and empower myself by embracing and stepping through the fear. “


Isn’t it time for you to rise?

I would be honored to walk along with you as you claim your Midlife Uprising!

“Jody created a safety net and safe space for a very complex issue . She was able to pinpoint a key issue that I need to work on that may help with other areas in my life . She made it easy for me to connect to my inner child and begin to establish a new relationship with her . I would recommend her if you need a new direction or clarity on an issue and need a safe space to share that and want direction .”

-M. Harrington

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